MONDAY 14 — FRIDAY 18 NOVEMBER, 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM


Jazz workshops with Victor Garcia Group

2022.11.14 Oficinas de Jazz com Victor Garcia Group

The jazz workshops are a truly exceptional experience allowing for creative collaboration with musicians of high technical quality involved in one of the most exciting contexts of contemporary jazz creation. As with the jam sessions, the workshops are led by the musicians in residence who have come from America at the Festival’s invitation to set up shop in Guimarães for two weeks. This year, in charge of the jazz workshops, is the trumpeter and composer from the Chicago jazz scene, Victor Garcia, and the band that supporting him at Guimarães Jazz – the pianist Ben Lewis, drummer Greg Artry, bassist Josh Ramos and vocalist Jill Katona.

Application deadline November 7

Maximum number of participants 25

Free registration (subject to payment of a deposit of 25 euros that will be refunded if the participant is present for at least 80% of the activity or in case of withdrawal by November 9).

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